
Model of Human Occupation in Occupational Therapy


We have set up a MOHO center in Taiwan in Feb of 2006.

Here is the first website of the center.

Hope you find it useful.

MOHO proposes that human being is composed of three systems and interact with sourrounding environment to generate occupational behavior. The three system within a person including personal causation which influences how you choose, how you interprete the experience and how you view your own effectiveness.The second system refers to habit of daily life which concerns habits and roles. To put it in simple way, it means that a person functions better if he or she remains a habitual way of life.The third system is about performance which mainly concerns about skills.The environment aspect is related to how resources or limitations of the environment will enable or constrain performance.The MOHO is useful in various areas of clinical practice in Occupational Therapy throughout the world

Ay-Woan Pan, Ph.D
School of OT, NTU
